Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Once I went out into the world not trying to please anyone. I didn't dress up, I didn't spend any time trying to be someone besides myself and I didn't start any conversations with anyone.

Do tell me...what makes the cowboy on the prowl, the local guy, and the long haired tattoo artist all go for the same girl? Who am I to choose? Hehe...and also tell me how I can respond consistently with some amount of logic.

I practically ran from the awesomely goodlooking cowboy, -even though he was the almost exact physical description of what an entry in my journal might say when describing my ideal man. He scared me because he looked capable. Seriously. ;) He offered me a day of sunshine and good times riding on his motorcycle. (Ok, yeah, ~I know I made the right decision on that one...but...sometimes the girl in me wouldn't mind having a spectacular head turning man at my side, or being able to say, "back off girls, he is with me.")

I'm not sure what to do about the local since he goes to my church, but heck, I showed the tattoo artist my paintings and umm...did he say he was going to teach me how to use an airbrush, did I tell him I would love to do that and umm.. did he really say, "Good, we'll call it a date???" *gulp*

These things all have to do with timing if you ask and what does it have to do with timing?
If I hadn't just run from the cowboy I might not have talked to my guy friend who introduced me to his tattoo artist and umm...if Lance hadn't told me that I needed to give guys a chance I might not have even said hello or showed him my art. How in the heck though did the guy get my phone number??? What was I thinking...heck, guess I could call the cowboy up...his digits are in my phone. Bah, I've been praying for the tattoo artist like you wouldn't believe. Asking God to send him the girl of his dreams so he will forget that he has my number. Oh, and even though I hate the idea of giving out a fake phone number I am starting to see some logic in it.

I repeat, I will not talk to lonely guys at church, I will not talk to lonely guys in malls. I will not talk to lonely guys in lines, gas stations, schools, bowling alleys, or parks. If guy looks remotely like he might be lonely I will not talk to lonely guys. Not here, nor there, not anywhere. I will not....




David Edward said...

maybe its a new season in your life. I am horrible at relationship advice - so I will hold my tounge. aghle thewf gutop hersil hrekop I better let it go! Bless your day

Sarah Retzloff said...

Hehe...I seem to be able to get into is the getting out of them...or the keeping a really good one going....bah, this is a hopeless mess!