Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fish For Congress

Jim Fish

for United States Congress. Texas congressional district 28.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fish at a local republican meeting here in Texas. He is a very down to earth man with a lot of good ideas and the country's best interest at heart. His platform runs along the lines of faith, family, freedom, and future. He needs our support.

Please check out his website

If anyone wants to donate to a good cause. He is your man. (and he doesn't know I am telling you this.) Go check him out. Give him your vote and tell others he is running. We need good men in Congress.


Susan Harwood said...


I am contacting people who are interested in politics in case they would like to take a look at my blog

(which is about Architecture, the Environment, Politics and Education)

But, because I notice in your blogger's profile that you are also interested in art, if you were also to take a look at my other blog too . . .

(illustrated ‘nursery’ rhymes - designed to help children learn multiplication ‘facts’ without noticing!)

. . . I would be interested to know what you think of it.

Susan Harwood

Sarah Retzloff said...

Checked out the times rhymes site and love it! I wish I would have learned my times table that way! Did you ever find a publisher? My sister self published a book called "The Calling" book one of a series called the secret of sentarra through The person who did her editing did a really sloppy job but the overall quality aside from that was good!