Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wal-mart blues

Trucks are beautiful creations standing tall and proud above the standard croud. I can't tell you how happy I was to finally drive one claiming it as my own.

Well, so much for that theory. Right now I drive an old clunker with a bad case of "I don't want to." Mostly it doesn't want to be a smooth ride, it doesn't want to play music loudly, it doesn't want to stop on a dime and it doesn't want to smell good.

Lately it doesn't want it's lights to work. I swear it keeps ripping them out when I am not looking. I have had several guys help me fix them in the last month. We get them all working and blinking. Putting everything in order and then a few days later I find wires and other items dragging or swinging in the air happily out of place.

The worst of it just started recently my truck waits patiently until I am out of town and then she decides to give me trouble. It is planned, I swear, but I sure can't prove it. She waits until I park and then sits patiently while I do whatever it is that I am doing. Then, when I get back in she refuses to cooperate. She flat out decides not to start. I'll give her a little extra gas and sometimes the bribe will work however sometimes she just closes up and refuses to go until she gets flooded. She is a pain.

Last Friday night we went to Wal-Mart and she again refused to do my bidding. Even with new oil, enough antifreeze and airfreshener in her interior she just wouldn't budge. I had brought a friend with me who I had promised to deliver at a reasonable hour so this frustrated me to no end. Having exhausted my bribing power I finally called for reenforcements. One Grandpa, my friend's father, and one of my friend's brothers came to the rescue. They studied her for a second and asked me to try to start her up so I turned the key and she came to life. Stupid truck. I swear she wants to make me look like a fool.

What a night. All this and then to reward the very badly behaved creature I have to give her some high octane gas that costs more than the clothes on my back. What is this world coming too? Where can I get a truck with a good disposition? I'm looking for the kind that stands tall and proud above the standard crowd.

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