Thursday, February 09, 2006


Here is one of the hairstyles I did for my cousin the other day. What do you think? Her hair hangs below her waist when it is down so creating an updo can be a challenge!


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

ooh, will you do me? :)

Sarah Retzloff said...

Personal pref. as well as Scriptural backing would lead me believe that it is a shame for a man to have long hair.

Going along with that theme is the fact that a women's hair is her glory. I do not believe it is wrong for a women to cut her hair but I do agree that long hair is a crown of glory.

In general God seems to have designed men to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of long hair on women. I have worn longer hair throughout my life but I do cut it and style as needed. I will never shave it all off.

Whenever I read those verses I like to keep in mind that they were written to a church which was not commended for it's behavior. I hope that in viewing the issue we do not recreate the original problem which Paul was addressing.

Thanks for the comments! It is nice to know I have readers!