Thursday, February 09, 2006

My thoughts...

My thoughts...
Ok, so someone sent me a video from PETA on the treatment of animals used for food. He and asked me for my thoughts on the subject.
(To view the video
friend ID..14080598)

My thoughts...hmm...regulations for large production companies should be put in place. Proper treatment of animals during the raising process is a good thing. I still believe that an animal is an animal though so PETA and I might not agree in the accepted standards of living.

I can't really think of a humane way to kill something. Even the use of lethal drug doses seems to be cruel to me.

I don't eat pork, so I haven't contributed to that market in years. They still manage to sell them though so I guess someone eats them.

I have a problem with the use of hormone injections but that is mainly because I see it as a health concern to human beings. Non natural growth seems to be unhealthy on all levels.

My grandparents buy a longhorn calf every year. It is raised with some other cattle down the road, until it's death, it has a good life. Then we have it butchered and processed. I hate the killing part and don't get involved on a personal level but I love hamburgers! I eat them even if they are part of a dead cow. I tried the whole vegetarian thing for four months; it isn't going to work for me.

If you have ever raised chickens you would know that broilers (which are one of the most common type of chicken to be raised for meat) have a tendency to die for no reason, or for very dumb reasons. They can be let out to roam freely, fed daily on a regular basis, live in a large shed with a fenced in chicken yard and still just plop over. Heat plays a big part in the cause of death and even fans do not guarantee that a chicken will live a long, wonderful life. I guess we should build all chickens a special air-conditioned condo so they can live the happy life of a PETA member?

I dunno, life is real, it can't be perfect. People in India have starved because they won't eat cattle. Is that what we really want??

Hehe, I met a peta member once. In an airplane. I was wearing my suede leather jacket. She tried to get me to help close down a horse processing plant because they are such beautiful creatures. ~I agree, they are beautiful and I love them but if someone in France wants to eat one...I don't have a problem with it. If the Vietnamese eat dogs, and they do. Well, good for them. I've eaten many interesting animals. Squid, shark, ostrich, emu, buffalo, audad, elk, mule deer, turkey, cows, chickens, game hens. Most of whom were shot. They stopped dead in their tracks or had their necks rung off, or were pulled out of their natural environments and suffocated...I'm heartless I guess. How about you? You going to be a vegetarian?

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