Saturday, October 15, 2005

Having A Heart of Hospitality

A study on Luke 10:38-42

“Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.”
Luke 10:38

What does it mean to receive someone into your house?

Look up these words:

Having a heart of hospitality should be an important part of the grace and skill that we build into our daily lives. It is important to be prepared for those who stumble into our lives in need of lodging, a meal, someone to share with, or simply an afternoon of good Christian fellowship.
While we may not always have all the supplies that we need on hand to prepare a gourmet dinner we can prepare our hearts and homes for service in small ways each day.
When I think of the importance of hospitality, a family in the Bible comes to mind. Martha, Mary and Lazarus, who where good friends of our Lord Jesus Christ. They seem to have been prepared for visitors and we see in scripture that Jesus visited this family many times.
During one of our Lord’s visit with Martha and Mary we learn important truths about having a heart of hospitality.

(Luke 10 vs. 38) “Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.”
The Lord was able to drop in on Martha because she had a heart of hospitality. She most likely slaved away keeping the house in good order for her family and making sure things ran smoothly in the event that a friend should stop by.

Martha was organized. She had a plan of action. We should be prepared for life and the company it brings us. We can start by working each day to bring our hearts, and house into order. Martha was a woman of action who knew that an important step to hospitality is having a plan, and completing tasks in order to meet her goals however we see in the next few verses that having a plan of action doesn‘t always mean that our hearts are prepared to be of service to our Lord.

(Luke 10 vs. 39) “And she had a sister called Mary, which sat at Jesus’ feet and heard his word.
Mary understood that although having a clean house is important personal attention and a good environment is needed, fellowship with the Lord is also an important part of hospitality. She left her duties and came to sit by Jesus and to learn and fellowship with him. Putting Christ first in her life.

Through Mary’s reaction to Christ’s visit we see that step one to having a heart for hospitality is preparing the heart for service through personal time with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Put Christ first in your life.

Start out your day having fellowship with the Lord.

Seek the Lord’s will for your time, and life through daily prayer.

While Mary sought fellowship with the Lord, Martha slaved away. Her heart was burdened and fretful because she longed for fellowship but was stuck with the chores.

(Luke 10 vs. 40) “But Martha was cumbered about much serving. and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?”

The things Martha was doing were important but in her haste to be and do right she had forgotten that putting Christ first is the most important thing we can do.
Christ reminds her of this. “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful.”
We can probably all identify with Martha as we have all had times when we struggled to finish the lunch preparations, school assignments or clean the house and check for clutter with deadlines pressing dangerously near. We have all been bothered to no end at times when someone (normally brothers or sisters) are supposed to be helping us but seem to find all sorts of other things to occupy their time. In our frustration we often snap at those who are closest to us. Losing the joy that comes from fellowship and bringing our attitudes away from a heart for hospitality.
Jesus pities Martha in this verse and reminds her that although those things (the things she is doing) are important only one thing is needed. (a relationship with himself.) Reminding her, that a relationship with him cannot be taken away and is the most important part of the heart of fellowship.

(Luke 10 vs. 41and 42) “And Jesus said answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful : and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”
In order to create a heart of fellowship we now understand that seeking the Lord is most important. Start your day by setting aside time to fellowship with him. Once your heart and soul are in fellowship with him you will automatically be able to show his love to others around you in a more visible way.

1 comment:

David Edward said...

you write so well, it sounds like you are talking just to me. Thanks for the heart you put into this.