Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Lesson in driving....

Well folks,
I had my first driving lesson standard style! Neal decided that he would let me drive his poor little truck. He showed me the pedals, and explained the idea behind the clutch. Then we moved the seat all the way forward and away we went...well, some of the time. Other times I just had to start the car over again.

You should have seen my teacher. He had his knees against the dashboard but suprisingly enough even with all the ruckus he remained rather calm. Actually, to tell you the truth, he'd make a good driver's ed teacher. He didn't laugh at me just with me. He also didn't add stress the situation which was really great of him.

I'm still not a pro though, so if anyone wants to let me borrow a standard for a while just let me know. I'd rather wreck one you own than one I own...
....Wait, I don't own one. Yeah, maybe that is the reason I need to use yours! I'd like to take up drag racing when I get a little better so keep that in mind!


Unknown said...

*laughs* Yeah, I know the feeling. I just learned stick this summer and I'm still having issues.

gardenterry said...

Came to your site via David's. Thankfully, driving a stick becomes second nature after a while. I had never driven one before, but bought a cardboard Toyota for my first car. Ventured out for the first time, sans lessons, during morning rush hour. HUGE mistake. LOL. Many people were frustrated that day before they even started work. But alas, it is second nature now. And it gives you something to do when you're driving. Still driving Toyotas, but automatic now. But it's like riding a bike, you never forget.

LOVE your paintings!