Friday, October 28, 2005

Hey Everyone,
I challenge you to a quizz! (my score said this)Minister/Reverend
You are a Minister. (Haha, no I'm not just a preacher's kid!)
Technically, you got them ALL RIGHT!!! I applaude you!
I furnished some very hard questions there! Congratulations! Your
mastery of the Bible is quite impressive - you are truly Bible-versed!
God Bless! (Ok, I took it and those were my results now lets see how well you guys do.)

How Bible-versed are you?
brought to you by umm...whoever he was!

1 comment:

David Edward said...

im a minister too - now we can start our own denomination
Dodge trucks and greeeting cards the really offend. hmmm think on it wouldja?

word verification must GO!