Friday, September 30, 2005

3 minute miracle

Have you had your three minute miracle today?

My hair has been extra hard to manage lately. The length plays a minor role in that problem but I also find that it has been slightly damaged lately. One theory on the extra damage is that my hair is taking the stress of abnormal amounts of paint which I continually seem to be stripping, chipping and otherwise removing from my hair. All in all, lots of breakage and damage going on....haha...if your actually reading this I know you are bored!

Back to the story! Ok, so the damage is done but I am trying to keep it looking as nice as possible. I mentioned my troubles to my Grandmother this morning and she offered me a three minute miracle. Conditioner which is supposed to do a lot of repair work in a three minute time slot. I decided that I had nothing to loose so I added this product to my daily washing routine.

Three minutes later hair is falling out in clumps. I almost put it all in a box to save for locks of love, or just to save in case I end up needing a wig...I mean, I'm talking run my hands through my hair and come away with handfuls each and every time.

I'm a little worried at this point. I'm not sure how many miracles I can handle these days but it occurs to me that lots of guys out there must have seen beeen seeing miracles in action. Hopefully that is a blessed thought to some of you with not so much hair on top. Just think you have witnessed a miracle!!

Anyway, I think I'm done with generic miracles. I'd like to keep my what is left of my hair! Luckily, I do believe it was only going through a phase. Don't worry, so far I don't need a wig!

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